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  • Writer's pictureJan Hottiger

A-Book vs B-Book: Beware of B-Books Brokers

Updated: Mar 8, 2023

When it comes to forex trading, there are two types of brokers: A-Book and B-Book brokers. While both offer trading services, they operate differently and cater to different types of traders.

A-Book brokers, also known as Straight Through Processing (STP) brokers, act as intermediaries between traders and the liquidity providers (LPs) who supply prices for currency pairs. A-Book brokers pass on traders' orders directly to the LPs, who then execute the trades. The LPs are typically major banks and financial institutions, which means that A-Book brokers offer access to the same prices that institutional traders get. This ensures that traders receive fair and transparent pricing, and there is no conflict of interest between the broker and the trader.

On the other hand, B-Book brokers, also known as Market Makers (MMs), take the opposite side of their clients' trades. Instead of passing on traders' orders to the LPs, B-Book brokers keep the trades in-house and act as the counterparty. This means that when a trader buys a currency pair, the B-Book broker sells it to them, and when a trader sells a currency pair, the B-Book broker buys it from them.

The key difference between A-Book and B-Book brokers is the way they handle traders' orders. A-Book brokers pass on traders' orders directly to the LPs, which means that there is no conflict of interest between the broker and the trader. In contrast, B-Book brokers take the opposite side of their clients' trades, which means that there is a potential conflict of interest between the broker and the trader. If the trader is profitable, the B-Book broker loses money, and if the trader loses money, the B-Book broker makes money.

Another difference between A-Book and B-Book brokers is the type of traders they cater to. A-Book brokers are typically preferred by more experienced and sophisticated traders who require direct market access and want to trade at the best available prices. B-Book brokers, on the other hand, are more suited to beginner traders who are looking for a simplified trading experience and don't require direct market access.

In summary, A-Book and B-Book brokers offer different trading experiences, and traders should choose the one that best suits their needs and preferences. A-Book brokers offer direct market access and transparent pricing, while B-Book brokers offer simplified trading and potentially conflict of interest.



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