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With record high inflation rates, having funds at the bank doesn’t mean saving anymore.

At Pryme Capital, we aim to overcome economic turmoil with investment opportunities that create value and grow both in the short and long term.

Our expertise in the field of trading algorithms allows us to offer a highly profitable diverisified investment opportunity that suits both small and large investors.



Artificial Intelligence Trading

â–º Trading strategies unaffected by economic trends

Our artificial intelligence have the ability to analyse dozens of market indicators simultaneously. They process trades almost instantly and take only rational, risk-controlled and calculated positions.

â–º AI outperforming human traders

By creating our own high-tech algorithms, our portfolio has been highly profitable for over two years. Our algorithms trade various currencies, indexes and gold for stability and diversification.

â–º Pryme Capital's trading algorithms

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There are multiple different trading options that allow both rising and falling markets to be profitable. These types of trading strategies are not influenced by economic market conditions such as a collapse. At Pryme Capital, we do not buy stocks for the purpose of valuation, instead we trade positions over a few minutes to hours, usually Monday through Thursday and outside of the US and European market openings.

Our Principles



Transparancy & Trust

As an investment company, communication and transparency are top priorities in building trusting relationships with our investors. We maintain a close connection with each client, provide quarterly reports and communicate any changes in our investment portfolio. We provide track records of our performance provided by external third party organisations.

Transparency is the value that we add to the financial market.


Ethics & Impact

In a world driven by economies, financial investments decisions lead to propserity... or damages. We believe that it is meaningless to earn profits if they leave human, cultural or environmental impacts behind.

These values guide every investment decision we make.

By investing in real estate in Thailand, we ensure that we support the local economy and work with companies whose employees are well cared for. 

Regarding the stock market, all Pryme Capital's profits come from banks and liquidity providers.


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